It's all about the Content
We are going to kick off the new year with a theme that is often taken for granted and that is "Content".
Colchester Digital is a Meetup group for individuals and businesses in and around the Colchester area.
Spanning the digital sectors, our members are technical architects, systems integration and administrators, developers, designers, digital image and video specialists, photographers, marketers, PR, social media and SEO experts, and everything between.
If you have not attended one of our events before and would like an introduction to what we do or other members please seek out one of the organisers.
Registration and Networking
Once you sign in to let us know you are here please help yourself to food and drink provided by our sponsors.
19:00 - 19:40
Kerry shares her experiences of convincing organisations she's worked at to put content strategy at the heart of their web projects.
Kerry Cole
Marketing Strategist
Green Emerald Marketing
A chance for a comfort break and a chat with other attendees.
19:50 - 20:30
Doug explains how creating copy and design hand-in-hand often leads to the best results for a website.
Doug Smith
Look Here Copywriting
Time to head home.
All help stacking chairs and tidying up gratefully accepted.