UX Design and Why It Matters and Introduction to Serverless

18:30 - 19:00
Registration and Networking
Once you sign in to let us know you are here please help yourself to food and drink provided by our sponsors.
19:00 - 19:40
A good digital experience can save someone time and money, a bad one can ruin their day. But good design doesn't happen by accident - it's the result of research, data, psychology, prototyping, testing and a willingness to learn more about the world around you every day.
Michael Dravnieks
UX Consultant
Coast Digital
19:40 - 19:50
A chance for a comfort break and a chat with other attendees.
19:50 - 20:30
AWS Lambda and the serverless framework with a practical example to demonstrate the ease at which you can write and deploy applications that scale.
Ric Harvey
AWS Evangelist
Time to head home.
All help stacking chairs and tidying up gratefully accepted.