Darren Cook
QQ Trend
About Darren
Over 25 years professional experience writing everything from arcade games to financial data mining applications. Author of numerous articles and two books, both published by O'Reilly: Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE (on low-latency data streaming), and Practical Machine Learning with H2O (on doing real AI work, using the excellent and open-source H2O software).
Recent projects include: Text generation (LSTMs, HMMs), Translation assistance tools for stealth start-up (blending state-of-the-art AI and data analysis tools with UX to increase productivity), algorithmic trading, statistical analysis of speech and gesture data (for Edinburgh University), Trading systems (FXCM and IB APIs, among others), Machine translation, Semantic Analysis, RWD, mobile-first development, WebGL, HTML5, Multilingual dictionaries (English/Japanese/Chinese/German/Arabic: see http://dcook.org/mlsn/ ), Keyword suggestion in Japanese; Real-time financial charting systems (both server and client-side); Dynamic, database-backed web sites; Data import/export/validating; Financial data mining, Mining twitter feeds to judge sentiment (about 6-7 years ago, before everyone started doing it!).
After 20 years living and working in Tokyo, I am now based in the UK, near London. I speak, read and write Japanese (JLPT 1-kyu). I have beginner-level Chinese and German, and can read a bit of Arabic. Yes, I am deliberately learning the difficult languages, with Russian and Hindi in my sights.
Specialities: Machine learning, deep learning, H2O, advanced search algorithms, social network mining, natural language parsing (including Asian and Middle Eastern languages), data mining, trading APIs, applied A.I., Interactive data charting (incl. VR), User activity tracking (path through web sites, mail campaigns, in flash movies, etc.), analysis of resulting data.