Colchester Digital is funded by the South East Creative Cultural and Digital Support (SECCADS) Programme which provides a bespoke package of business support will be delivered locally within creative industry clusters. SECCADS will work with small businesses in the Creative and Cultural and Digital sector to:
- Encourage new business start-ups
- Increase the sustainability of micro businesses
- Promote business growth
SECCADS has been developed by 7 partner organisations including Colchester Borough Council and the University of Essex across the South East LEP region and is led by Thurrock Council. There will be three categories of support on offer:
- Cluster- it: support to encourage cluster development across the SELEP area and into key markets such as London;
- Design-it: support for business start-ups in the sector;
- Grow-it: support for business growth.
The SECCADS project is part-funded by the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 and with further investment from the local authorities and University of Essex.